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Friday, November 21, 2008

Book Measures will be removed

 Hello, and welcome back. This is a message sent from 13 years, 6 months, and 1 day in the future. This post was not actually made today.

Note that now, Measures 3 and 4 of my book will be removed from this blog. The audiobook versions will only be available to those who follow this blog and send me a message telling me that they followed through the contact form. Follow for unlimited access to every chapter of my book.

In other news, I hope you will not be surprised by the sudden appearance of certain things that most of us dislike vehemently on this blog. That is all for the latest update, posted on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 12:25:40pm.

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...