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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Book Measure Release Delays

 Sorry about the delays in the release of Measure 4 of The Tale of The Musical Instruments and the audiobook version of Measure 3. I am very busy right now, but I will try to have it released soon. I may have to delay the release of Random Stuff Doing Random Stuff from Tax Day because I have a lot of things going on. Also, thanks for the 226 views yesterday. That is the new record for amount of views on a single day. In fact, it rivals the amount of views my blog got in the entire month of October. I have the feeling that this month may have the highest amount of views ever on my blog. In only the first seven days, it has almost caught up to the amount of views in the entire month of January. I will try to finish up Random Stuff Doing Random Stuff and the release of the pending things with The Tale of The Musical Instruments.

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...