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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Video Migration

 Welcome back. You should note that I will now be removing every single blog post that only has video links on it, in favor of storing them all on one page. This will help me with my next development on this blog. You may want to look around all of my blog posts to get all of the latest information. The page for my book is exempt from this treatment. However, the audiobook versions of Measures 3 & 4 will be removed soon for all who are not followers of my blog. You may or may not enjoy my next blog development. However, I have many videos that are ready to release. Enjoy, readers!

Update: The video migration which I started a few months ago is complete! I have finished the process of inciting the spontaneous combustion of every single blog post that could be viewed as an empty post.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Reasons for the production hiatus

    Hello, everybody. I'm back. Sorry about the hiatus in book measure and YouTube video production, but know that I will be ending it soon and returning with a massive amount of measures of my book and videos that you may find interesting. Now, I will begin to explain the reasons for this hiatus.
    The first reason is that I was falling behind in writing the measures of my book. After all, I have to do school work, read books(which I find to be very important), and do many other things. With all of this work, I was beginning to fall behind. The second reason is that I was having trouble making videos on time. I only made Random Stuff Doing Random Stuff on the day it was released. The third and perhaps most important reason was the Milestones testing. I am a student, and I therefore need to take this type of standardized testing to be placed in good classes next year. To do well, I must prepare for the testing. If I must prepare for the testing, I will not have as much time to write measures of my book and release videos, resulting in me falling behind in these areas. For these reasons, I chose to have this hiatus. You can rest assured that there will be plenty of content waiting after the hiatus ends. For now, enjoy the currently available measures of my book, and don't forget to follow my blog to get unlimited access to every measure of my book. Also don't forget that my book is intellectual property, and that I therefore have intellectual property rights, including copyright. No part of my book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without explicit permission from the author(me).

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...