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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Video Migration

 Welcome back. You should note that I will now be removing every single blog post that only has video links on it, in favor of storing them all on one page. This will help me with my next development on this blog. You may want to look around all of my blog posts to get all of the latest information. The page for my book is exempt from this treatment. However, the audiobook versions of Measures 3 & 4 will be removed soon for all who are not followers of my blog. You may or may not enjoy my next blog development. However, I have many videos that are ready to release. Enjoy, readers!

Update: The video migration which I started a few months ago is complete! I have finished the process of inciting the spontaneous combustion of every single blog post that could be viewed as an empty post.

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...