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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

New Dapper Cat Updates

 The newest Bloxels update has arrived, and with it have come new Dapper Cat game updates!!!!! Now you don't have to fly all the way up that enormous sewer pipe! Now you don't have to fall all the way down that enormous sewer pipe! Now you don't have to hunt down the next Dapper Cat game in the series! All that and more have come in the latest updates, available soon on Bloxels!

Learn more about the update through the video included below.

The Updated Demo: Click here.

The Updated Original Game: Click here.

The Updated LAtest Game: Click here.

Update: Press shift when you approach the warps. Otherwise, they will seem useless.

Below are parts one and two of a video going behind the scenes of my new updates.
Part one: https://youtu.be/HXypIiIcFWA

Part two: https://youtu.be/0_TNFdx3tWM

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Color Mathematics

 I began to think about numbers mathematically tonight, when I thought about a strange unsolvable question. This question is the following: Which came first, yellow or green? Green comes from adding blue to yellow, while yellow comes from adding red to green. I substituted one into the other, leading me into this wide world of color mathematics. However, I will not grant you access to this knowledge yet. First, you must prove yourself worthy by figuring out the password encoded below. Then you must input this password into the page on this blog linked in the password.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

New Update

 A new update will be released for Dapper Cat in the Arrival of the New Villains. It will have one minor change; the change of the appearance of the bouncy block under the A key. It will also include a new Hall of Music.

In other news, it has been discovered that there is a secret character change built into the game that allows you to access a new character in Dapper Cat in the Sewers of Fame. It can be found somewhere within. It is a helpful change.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

New Dapper Cat

 Today is a traditional day for me to release a new one of my movies. However, I could not develop an idea for a new film in time. Therefore, I will attempt to compensate by informing all of you of a new thing I have recently thought of. It is the release of a new sequel to Dapper Cat in the Sewers of Fame, set around one year later. The trailer for it is in production. Therefore, I cannot tell you too much. However, the game and its trailer will be linked here. There will be no demo this time because the controls are identical to those in the previous game. It will likely be released sometime soon. One more thing I am authorized to tell you is that a cat with an Uhvw Ofea0ep will appear. This italicized text uses a code I made using the letters of the english alphabet and those of the greek alphabet. I found the respective letter(or letters) of the greek alphabet, then found what distinct english character(or characters) they looked most like.

You can play the game by clicking on this text. Note that you will only be able to play it once it is done being moderated.

This text will link to the trailer once it is released.

Monday, June 13, 2022

New Book Update!!!!!

 Alert: I will be temporarily enabling free access to every measure of my book in both text and audiobook formats. This will last until one week after I release Measure 5. Enjoy, readers and listeners.

The process has been completed. I am sorry for the wait, but it was hard to find time.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Oregon Trail Deluxe Get Rich Quick Scheme

 I have devised a scheme for becoming rich quick in the Oregon Trail Deluxe. I have included a screenshot of the results below. Before I began the scheme, I had 20 oxen, 11 sets of clothes, 1980 bullets, 3 wagon wheels, 3 wagon axles, 3 wagon tongues, 2000 pounds of food, and $2.

Here are the steps for the scheme.
1. Choose your occcupation(Merchant, Doctor or Banker would be preferable).

2. Buy 20 oxen, 99 boxes of bullets, 3 wagon wheels, 3 wagon axles, 3 wagon tongues, 2000 pounds of food, and as many sets of clothing as you want/can buy with the leftover money.

3. Go into the trade menu.

4. Ask for $200 or $500. If nobody is willing to trade at first, try it repeatedly until someone offers a good trade.

Notes on what is a good trade for $200:

Any amount of bullets is good. A trade for oxen will only be good if the amount asked for is < 10 oxen. A trade for food is only good if the amount asked for is < 1000 pounds. A trade for clothing will be preferable only if the amount asked for is less than 20 sets. Wagon wheels, axles, and tongues are unlikely to appear, but if they do, then any amount will be fine.

Notes on what is a good trade for $500:

For all things except clothing, any amount will do. For clothing, only accept if they ask for less than 50 sets.

5. Buy the amount traded back from the store. If you want to hoard clothing and did not choose banker, buy more clothing. Otherwise, just hoard the extra money.

6. Repeat until you reach an amount that you feel is sufficient for the rest of your journey. For me, that was $2000.

I have attempted to embed the Oregon Trail Deluxe in this post. If it does not work, the link is right next to the word "is" in this sentence. You can also find it on https://archive.org. Now I will be returning to my visit of the Capital City.

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...