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Sunday, June 19, 2022

New Dapper Cat

 Today is a traditional day for me to release a new one of my movies. However, I could not develop an idea for a new film in time. Therefore, I will attempt to compensate by informing all of you of a new thing I have recently thought of. It is the release of a new sequel to Dapper Cat in the Sewers of Fame, set around one year later. The trailer for it is in production. Therefore, I cannot tell you too much. However, the game and its trailer will be linked here. There will be no demo this time because the controls are identical to those in the previous game. It will likely be released sometime soon. One more thing I am authorized to tell you is that a cat with an Uhvw Ofea0ep will appear. This italicized text uses a code I made using the letters of the english alphabet and those of the greek alphabet. I found the respective letter(or letters) of the greek alphabet, then found what distinct english character(or characters) they looked most like.

You can play the game by clicking on this text. Note that you will only be able to play it once it is done being moderated.

This text will link to the trailer once it is released.

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...