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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The current GTS Situation in Pokemon X: A series

 Here are the links to the 3 videos in this series. The first one will premiere at 5:00 PM EST. The second will premiere at 5:16 PM EST, and the third will premiere at 5:31 PM EST.




I am now releasing a full edition. It will premiere 12-17-2021 at 9:15 PM EST.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Announcment on video links

 Alert! All videos on this blog that are linked through Icloud or Google Drive will be updated soon to YouTube video links. This change will begin soon and will help make these videos easier to access. Most to all of these links should be updated over the weekend. No change will be made to the videos that are embedded, except that they will also be accessible through YouTube links on the movies and stuff page. Note: The movies and trailers included using links may take longer to update, as I will have to create that channel separately.

My YouTube channel is linked in the word YouTube in this sentence before the word word.

Some videos may be temporarily offline while I am updating them. These videos will be replaced by the following GIF.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Missing a Solar Eclipse

 I missed a solar eclipse. I am so annoyed. It was a total solar eclipse, and I missed it!!!!!

It wasn't my fault, though. It was in Antarctica. Luckily, NASA made a live feed, which I will upload.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

How to take over the world with ease in https://paper-io.com/worldmap

 Here is a video about how to easily take over the world in Paper.io World Map, accessible online on https://paper-io.com/worldmap



Sunday, November 14, 2021

New Star Wars Code Dragon Release

 You know Star Wars: Code Dragon.

The game in which you are a dragon with 9 lives fighting 22 boss villains and possessing a powerful blast.

That game has been remade into a two-player game.

The dragon has been weakened, and the boss villains strengthened.

The powerful blast is much weaker.

The game is much more fair.

The dragon only has one life.

The coins can hurt you.

This is:

Star Wars: Code Dragon Version 2



Hilarious Google Meet Captions I

 This is the start of a video series about Google Meet and its hilarious captions.

There will be more to come.











Monday, November 1, 2021

The Greatest Spaceship Release

 I worked hard on finishing this last night, but I finally got it done!

This movie is accessible by link.

Click on download a copy.





















Saturday, October 16, 2021

Birthday game

 Here is a birthday game. Please comment if you can not hear the sounds.

Here is the link if you want to play off of this blog.



Sorry, everyone. I have officially ruined this game.

Please do not play.


Theories for what might be in the abyss in Wings of Fire Book 15(The Flames of Hope)

 I think that the other part of the gift of understanding might be in the abyss. 

I think so because, since the Leafwings and Beetlewings were refugees, and they had to escape trouble on Pyrrhia, they were accused of stealing the gift of understanding, and it might have been slipped in by some dragon from Pyrrhia who didn't like them. Then, once they had cleared the continent of Breath of Evil and went off to explore, it fell into the abyss and has stayed there ever since.

#wingsoffire #dragons 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

Star Wars Code Dragon

Welcome to the game Star Wars Code Dragon, a game in which boss villains only shoot lasers. Your dragon should only have 9 lives. This game will NOT auto start. The video included will provide information on how to play.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My clock

This is a clock with fully functional hour, minute, second, and millisecond hands, and an experimental month hand. It also has an alarm set for 6:00 AM every day. You may want to mute the page if you do not like to wake up every day at 6:00 AM. I coded this clock on Tynker, using the Analog Clock Project to start. If you want to hear the clock, you have to click on the photo of the clock. #clock

Friday, November 21, 2008

Book Measures will be removed

 Hello, and welcome back. This is a message sent from 13 years, 6 months, and 1 day in the future. This post was not actually made today.

Note that now, Measures 3 and 4 of my book will be removed from this blog. The audiobook versions will only be available to those who follow this blog and send me a message telling me that they followed through the contact form. Follow for unlimited access to every chapter of my book.

In other news, I hope you will not be surprised by the sudden appearance of certain things that most of us dislike vehemently on this blog. That is all for the latest update, posted on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 12:25:40pm.

Thursday, May 14, 1970

The hiatus is ending!


The hiatus is ending! The hiatus is ending!
Yes. The production hiatus will be ending very soon. While there was a hiatus going on, I couldn't resist making some YouTube videos. I also typed some new measures of my book. Measure decay(what I call it when I remove measures of my book) will now resume. Follow my blog to continue to be able to enjoy these measures. The downfall of the instruments was only the beginning. Read(or listen) as the world shifts and warps. Attempt in vain to decode encoded messages. Try to figure out why Santa stole the opening. The third thing has no relation to the book. I just decided to add it to be strange. Also, this is not a message from the year 1970. I just decided to do that for fun, so do not be alarmed if other posts are made that seem to be an anachronism. For example, if a post says it was published on January 1st, 2000 at 12:01 AM, but it mentions YouTube, this just means that I played around with the date it was published for fun. Enjoy, readers!

I am making a song!

 Recently, I randomly started to sing a song about "The Synthesizer Monster" while in a chess tournament(Don't worry, it was a...